

  1. Testing a Predictive Model to Identify the Risks of Online Sexual Victimization Among Korean Female Adolescents Using Machine Learning Algorithms
    Jungtae Choi, Yongjun Zhu, and Kihyun Kim
    Victims & Offenders, Sep 2024
  2. Do more heads imply better performance? An empirical study of team thought leaders’ impact on scientific team performance
    Yi Zhao, Yuzhuo Wang, Heng Zhang, Donghun Kim, Chao Lu, Yongjun Zhu, and Chengzhi Zhang
    Information Processing & Management, Apr 2024
  3. Stalking Discourse on Reddit: A Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Using Big Data
    Sou Hyun Jang, Donghun Kim, Yongjun Zhu, and Kim Chunrye
    Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Jun 2024
  4. Understanding and comparing risk factors and subtypes in South Korean adult and adolescent women’s suicidal ideation or suicide attempt using survey and social media data
    Donghun Kim, Ting Jiang, Ji Hyun Baek, Sou Hyun Jang, and Yongjun Zhu
    Digital Health, Apr 2024
  5. Rhetorical structure parallels research topic in LIS articles: a temporal bibliometrics examination
    Wen Lou, Jiangen He, Qianqian Xu, Zhijie Zhu, Qiwen Lu, and Yongjun Zhu
    Library Hi Tech, Apr 2024
  6. Dependency, reciprocity, and informal mentorship in predicting long-term research collaboration: A co-authorship matrix-based multivariate time series analysis
    Yongjun Zhu, Donghun Kimg, Ting Jiang, Yi Zhao, Jiangen He, Xinyi Chen, and Wen Lou
    Journal of Informetrics, Feb 2024
  7. NCH-DDA: Neighborhood contrastive learning heterogeneous network for drug–disease association predictions
    Peiliang Zhang, Chao Che, Bo Jin, Jingling Yuan, Ruixin Li, and Yongjun Zhu
    Expert Systems with Applications, Mar 2024


  1. Support behind the scenes: the relationship between acknowledgement, coauthor, and citation in Nobel articles
    Wen Lou, Jiangen He, Lingxin Zhang, Zhijie Zhu, and Yongjun Zhu
    Scientometrics, Aug 2023
  2. CariesFG: A fine-grained RGB image classification framework with attention mechanism for dental caries
    Hao Jiang, Peiliang Zhang, Chao Che, Bo Jin, and Yongjun Zhu
    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2023
  3. IEA-GNN: Anchor-aware graph neural network fused with information entropy for node classification and link prediction
    Peiliang Zhang, Jiatao Chen, Chao Che, Liang Zhang, Jin Bo, and Yongjun Zhu
    Information Sciences, Jul 2023
  4. Interpretable machine learning-based approaches for understanding suicide risk and protective factors among South Korean females using survey and social media data
    Donghun Kim, Lihong Quan, Mihye Seo, Kihyun Kim, Jae-Won Kim, and Yongjun Zhu
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Jun 2023
  5. An Exploratory Study of Medical Journal’s Twitter Use: Metadata, Networks, and Content Analyses
    Donghun Kim, Woojin Jung, Ting Jiang, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, Jan 2023
  6. Predicting coauthorship using bibliographic network embedding
    Yongjun Zhu, Lihong Quan, Pei-Ying Chen, Meen Chul Kim, and Chao Che
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Apr 2023
  7. Structured abstract summarization of scientific articles: Summarization using full-text section information
    Hanseok Oh, Seojin Nam, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Feb 2023
  8. Suicidality Detection on Social Media Using Metadata and Text Feature Extraction and Machine Learning
    Woojin Jung, Donghun Kim, Seojin Nam, and Yongjun Zhu
    Archives of Suicide Research, Jan 2023


  1. Recommendations with residual connections and negative sampling based on knowledge graphs
    Yuanyuan Liu, Zhaoqian Zhong, Chao Che, and Yongjun Zhu
    Knowledge-Based Systems, Dec 2022
  2. Bi-graph attention network for aspect category sentiment classification
    Yongxue Shan, Chao Che, Xiaopeng Wei, Xiaodong Wang, Yongjun Zhu, and Bo Jin
    Knowledge-Based Systems, Dec 2022
  3. Linking suicide and social determinants of health in South Korea: An investigation of structural determinantsn
    Yongjun Zhu, Seojin Nam, Lihong Quan, Jihyun Baek, Hongjin Jeon, and Buzhou Tang
    Frontiers in Public Health, Oct 2022
  4. Understanding the Research Landscape of Deep Learning in Biomedical Science: Scientometric Analysis
    Seojin Nam, Donghun Kim, Woojin Jung, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, Apr 2022
  5. Understanding information behavior of South Korean Twitter users who express suicidality on Twitter
    Donghun Kim, Woojin Jung, Seojin Nam, Hongjin Jeon, Jihyun Baek, and Yongjun Zhu
    Digital Health, Mar 2022


  1. Gender imbalance in the productivity of funded projects: A study of the outputs of National Institutes of Health R01 grants
    Chaojiang Wu, Erjia Yan, Yongjun Zhu, and Kai Li
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 2021
  2. Mapping scientific profile and knowledge diffusion of Library Hi Tech
    Meen Chul Kim, Yuanyuan Feng, and Yongjun Zhu
    Library Hi Tech, Jun 2021
  3. Analyzing China’s research collaboration with the United States in high-impact and high-technology research
    Yongjun Zhu, Donghun Kim, Erjia Yan, Meen Chul Kim, and Guanqiu Qi
    Quantitative Science Studies, Apr 2021


  1. Analyzing academic mobility of U.S. professors based on ORCID data and the Carnegie Classification
    Erjia Yan, Yongjun Zhu, and Jiangen He
    Quantitative Science Studies, Dec 2020
  2. Knowledge-driven drug repurposing using a comprehensive drug knowledge graph
    Yongjun Zhu, Chao Che, Bo Jin, Ningrui Zhang, Chang Su, and Fei Wang
    Health Informatics Journal, Dec 2020
  3. Drug repurposing against Parkinson’s disease by text mining the scientific literature
    Yongjun Zhu, Woojin Jung, Fei Wang, and Chao Che
    Library Hi Tech, Nov 2020
  4. Mapping scientific landscapes in UMLS research: a scientometric review
    Meen Chul Kim, Seojin Nam, Fei Wang, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Oct 2020
  5. Nine million book items and eleven million citations: a study of book-based scholarly communication using OpenCitations
    Yongjun Zhu, Erjia Yan, Silvio Peroni, and Chao Che
    Scientometrics, Feb 2020
  6. Network embedding in biomedical data science
    Chang Su, Jie Tong, Yongjun Zhu, Peng Cui, and Fei Wang
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, Jan 2020


  1. Drug knowledge bases and their applications in biomedical informatics research
    Yongjun Zhu, Olivier Elemento, Jyotishman Pathak, and Fei Wang
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, Jul 2019


  1. Association networks in a matched case-control design – Co-occurrence patterns of preexisting chronic medical conditions in patients with major depression versus their matched controls
    Min-hyung Kim, Samprit Banerjee, Yize Zhao, Fei Wang, Yiye Zhang, Yongjun Zhu, Joseph DeFerio, Lauren Evans, Sang Min Park, and Jyotishman Pathak
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Nov 2018
  2. Joint modeling of the association between NIH funding and its three primary outcomes: patents, publications, and citation impact
    Fengqing Zhang, Erjia Yan, Xin Niu, and Yongjun Zhu
    Scientometrics, Jul 2018
  3. Understanding the research landscape of major depressive disorder via literature mining: an entity-level analysis of PubMed data from 1948 to 2017
    Yongjun Zhu, Min-Hyung Kim, Samprit Banerjee, Joseph Deferio, George S Alexopoulos, and Jyotishman Pathak
    JAMIA Open, Apr 2018
  4. Tracking word semantic change in biomedical literature
    Erjia Yan, and Yongjun Zhu
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, Jan 2018


  1. A natural language interface to a graph-based bibliographic information retrieval system
    Yongjun Zhu, Erjia Yan, and Il-Yeol Song
    Data & Knowledge Engineering, Sep 2017
  2. Big Data and Data Science: Opportunities and Challenges of iSchools
    Il-Yeol Song, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of Data and Information Science, Aug 2017
  3. Semantic relatedness and similarity of biomedical terms: examining the effects of recency, size, and section of biomedical publications on the performance of word2vec
    Yongjun Zhu, Erjia Yan, and Fei Wang
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Jul 2017
  4. Examining academic ranking and inequality in library and information science through faculty hiring networks
    Yongjun Zhu, and Erjia Yan
    Journal of Informetrics, May 2017
  5. Adding the dimension of knowledge trading to source impact assessment: Approaches, indicators, and implications
    Erjia Yan, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, May 2017
  6. An investigation of the intellectual structure of opinion mining research
    Yongjun Zhu, Meen Chul Kim, and Chaomei Chen
    Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, Mar 2017
  7. The use of a graph-based system to improve bibliographic information retrieval: System design, implementation, and evaluation
    Yongjun Zhu, Erjia Yan, and Il-Yeol Song
    Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Feb 2017


  1. Searching bibliographic data using graphs: A visual graph query interface
    Yongjun Zhu, and Erjia Yan
    Journal of Informetrics, Nov 2016
  2. A Model-Based Method for Information Alignment: A Case Study on Educational Standards
    Namyoun Choi, Il-Yeol Song, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, Sep 2016
  3. Big data and data science: what should we teach?
    Il-Yeol Song, and Yongjun Zhu
    Expert Systems, Aug 2016
  4. Understanding the evolving academic landscape of library and information science through faculty hiring data
    Yongjun Zhu, Erjia Yan, and Min Song
    Scientometrics, Jun 2016
  5. Identifying Liver Cancer and Its Relations with Diseases, Drugs, and Genes: A Literature-Based Approach
    Yongjun Zhu, Min Song, and Erjia Yan
    PLoS ONE, May 2016
  6. How are they different? A quantitative domain comparison of information visualization and data visualization (2000–2014)
    Meen Chul Kim, Yongjun Zhu, and Chaomei Chen
    Scientometrics, Jan 2016


  1. Identifying entities from scientific publications: A comparison of vocabulary- and model-based methods
    Erjia Yan, and Yongjun Zhu
    Journal of Informetrics, Jul 2015
  2. Dynamic subfield analysis of disciplines: an examination of the trading impact and knowledge diffusion patterns of computer science
    Yongjun Zhu, and Erjia Yan
    Scientometrics, Apr 2015


  1. Dynamic faceted navigation in decision making using Semantic Web technology
    Hak-jin Kim, Yongjun Zhu, Wooju Kim, and Taimao Sun
    Decision Support Systems, May 2014